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  • M J Flanagan

skillsbootcamp - Top Ten (Part One)

Here is our favourite selection of books that accompany the mjinspire skillsbootcamp and chefs bootcamp sessions. Each of these books are referred to in the sessions and can help build on your learning and development.

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Book Cover HBR negotiation

As part of our Negotiation Workshop this book will give you an oversight into the Art of Negotiation.

By combining hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selecting the most important ones the help you to avoid common mistakes, find hidden opportunities, give you practical tips and tools and win the best deals possible.

This book will inspire you to: control the negotiation before you enter the room; persuade others to do what you want - for their own reasons; manage emotions on both sides of the table and identify what you can live with and when to walk away.

Our Emotional Intelligence skillsbootcamp remains the most popular. To become a leader takes IQ, to remain a leader takes EQ. Emotional intelligence is the foremost skills needed of all leaders, this book is the definitive guide to Emotional Intelligence.

There is a reason why is has 12,400 reviews and a 4.5 rating.

it explains EI in practical terms and gives you an clear understanding of you can create an emotionally intelligent culture.

It should be on every leaders bookshelf

In our delivering presentations skillsbootcamp we highlight the importance of having the ability to hold an audience as a key skill required of any leader, whether this be in townhalls, conferences or team meetings. This brilliantly written book explores how Ted has revolutionised public speaking and by using the lessons Carmine Gallo has drawn up having analysed 1000's of Talks we can improve our style and engagement. You will develop your own style based on proven techniques and tools that work.

"A great read full of insights and practical examples"

Our coaching and speed coaching skillsbootcamp equips attendees with core coaching skills and an awareness of the behaviours required to coach in everyday conversations and when leading and inspiring teams.

We refer to the "The Coaching Habit" by Michael Bungay Stanier, because it offers practical advice and interactive tools to transform coaching into a habit helping leaders to build coaching conversations into their daily interactions.

Our time management skillsbootcamp is perfect for those that want some practical solutions to becoming more effective and efficient. although we could have chosen Eat that Frog, Brian Tracy's definitive work which we also refer to, we wanted to take a more holistic and modern day approach.

Morgan Tyree helps us maximize our time based on the ebb and flow of our energy levels, by splitting the day into time zones. She also gives helpful explanations for how to customize our new organization skills based on methods that are already working for us.

With 5 generations now entering the workplace, Managing and Motivating across generations is a minefield for today's leaders. Although this book is yet to be published ( Sept 26 2024). I have read some the associated articles and think this is one of the best books on the market to help explain the different generations and how to bring them together. In this area the most up to date research is crucial if we are to understand the impact and how we can best navigate out multi-generational workforce. I am on the waiting list already for the book, and so will update this blog as soon as I have finished it.

Understanding and being able to resolve conflict can be a minefield for leaders. This book written as a workbook. helps you understand and recognise the underlying causes of conflict and gives you practical tools to help resolve them. written by an entrepreneur he gets the workplace and the tools you need to resolve conflict.

a must for all leaders and aspiring leaders.

Our impact and influencing skillsbootcamp not only explores meta profiling and how you can recognise and work with differing personality traits, it also gives practical tools and advice on how to influence others. Dale Carnegie's book was THE most brough book on the subject, but I felt a little outdated. here he has brought it into the 21st century but not only keeping the best of the original advice: "Be interested and Interesting" now includes how we can influence others in the digital age. This is brilliant, anyone wishing to influence others should buy it.

In the achieving guest excellence skillsbootcamp I explore how Will Guidara found the secret formulae and how you as leaders can do the same. Will Guidara, Owner of 11 Maddison shares how he and Daniel Humm created the top restaurant in the world, his lessons in customer experience, leadership, team building and personal growth will motivate and inspire you. I have already read it twice and it has become THE hospitality, restaurant book to read. You will be able to use his stories to illustrate excellence, the importance of putting the guest ( customer) first, and how to over come disappointments and failures.

A must read for every hospitality or customer service professional

Our skillsbootcamps are 90 minutes or 2 hours as bespoke sessions. Even the best trainer, facilitator and leader can struggle to deliver a 2 hour workshop. There is so much more to designing a workshop than throwing a few slides together with some pretty pictures. By understanding the psychology of learning, the importance of working with attention spans. Leanne Hughes takes you through her SPARK model which is easy to follow and will transform your workshops. I recommend reading this alongside Talk like Ted, thereby covering both the structure of your workshop and practical tips for improved presentation skills.



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